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Covid Safe Plan

Covid safe plan


Attendee records – Attendance must be via a ticketed registration system. Contact register of attendees will be maintained and retained for 28 days as per Government requirements. 

Attendee Screening – All attendees are to be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 via a series of questions. Patrons will be required to fill out a form on entry to the complex on the night of booking (this may include temperature checks). All patrons must have a wrist band at all times.  

Separation with public and essential personnel - There must be clear separation between essential racing personnel and the public. There will be barriers and/or security to ensure that dining patrons and the general public are not interacting with essential personnel (i.e.- trainers, drivers, stable hands and race day staff).  This includes horse owners.

Limited attendee movement - Attendees should only leave allocated seats to go to the bathroom, purchase food or drinks or to exit the premise. Attendees are not permitted to move to the fence line to cheer on their horse.   Patrons may order from the bar but all drinks must be consumed while seated at your allocated table. 

Attendees seating arrangements - All attendees must be seated at all times (no standing or roaming permitted) for the duration of the event. This will be established by providing chairs for seating (preferable option) or by painting markers on the grass.  Picnic or pod seated areas may also be set up on the grass or other suitable areas. Seating should maintain social distancing (1.5 metre distances between people). 

Multiple Zones - Multiple zones within the event area will be used to limit interaction between groups of attendees. Bathroom and other facilities will be assigned to zones (e.g. – allocated bathrooms to specific zone). 

Exit and Entry points – Multiple entry and exit points should be established to ensure smooth attendee flow into the venue. Staggered entry / exit may also be practiced to avoid queuing. 

Hygiene and social distancing – Hygiene practices and social distancing must be maintained at all times.  As per Government direction, masks must be worn when not seated as per hospitality guidelines.

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